27 January 2014

Hi Everybody

It has been some way crazy weather here in Anchorage for the last three weeks above freezing. Yesterday it was 47 degrees (above!). Praise God! Anyway we have been enjoying the summer weather. We had fourteen folks last night at Church. We continue to see The Lord shape and mold His Church in Sand Lake to what He wants her to be. Buck is doing an awesome job leading the praise and worship considering where we are meeting at. So now it is time for us to find a building and I have been working hard on this one. Our sister Church, Filipino Bible Church, one block from Sand Lake is supposed to be voting on Sand Lake Fellowship using their building on Sunday evenings as they have no evening service. This vote should be taking place in the next few weeks. Please pray about this!!!! We can't grow much more at all where we are and we don't have the money to rent anything. We had a toddler last night and no real place for her.

Thank you to all who help us with prayers and support, we feel the strength and power of them. It makes such a huge difference being all in one accord and how God is using all of us there to do so much so far away, it just simply amazes me to no end! Also pray for our Luis Palau festival in May as we will be the follow up Pastor/Church for the harvest here in our target area. Please pray for our partners from Graceworks who have so graciously agreed to partner with us to host mission teams for 10 straight weeks in the summer for our target area. Please also pray that Kerry will come onboard and let us use his space for our evangelism outreach ministry and park parties. This is a big one I'll tell you all the details when it happens! Also before  summer time we need to have a way to give rides to people for Church. The problem here is the city busses don't run on the weekend and also most youth don't drive, therefore they need a ride. There are thousands of youth age kids here lost as can be and most talk about they can't

afford to have vans to pick them up. Well, we can't afford not to have vans to pick them up! Right now we are doing not a fan bible study, I highly recommend it. Oh yeah one more thing we could really use a bass guitar player!!! That's about it from here and keep up the good faithful praying we see the results!

Ministry needs:

15 passenger van
Good Keyboard
Large Portable screen

David & Kristi Gamble
Anchorage Alaska