Last night we met at Mc Donald's on
Dimond and Jewell Lake Rd. This Mc Donald's is right across the street from the
Sand Lake and is a popular hangout for folks. The photos below will help you better visualize the location. Don't forget to click on any photo to make it easier to see and step through the photos. Note the location of Sand Lake as compared to the previous satellite map of the Filipino Bible Church.
There is a large (12 seater)
table there where we meet from time to time and have Bible study. We decided
last night that our week night study/service will be in a public place in the
Sand Lake area, this way we can reach out to more lost people. Last night we
just had Jeremy and Jason along with us, but we had several opportunities to
talk to people at the restaurant. We ALWAYS run across youth every time we are
out and the ones last night were interested in coming to a youth service when
we get it going! God really put the youth on my heart lately,
there are so many of them here and no real outreach to them at
all. Remember, there are almost 40,000 people in the Sand Lake area alone
and the only Southern Baptist Church there is the "Filipino"
Bible Church! Please pray we will be able to get our praise and worship team up
and going. Pray also we can have a good solid youth leader as there are so may
youth here with no guidance or direction. Please pray we will be able to have a
van or two to get the youth and kids to Church, Almost no vans are used here to
pick up kids and youth for services, which I think is crazy.
We find out this weekend when
exactly we will be starting at FBC, shooting for April 6th. Please pray for
Buck, Jeremy and Jason, these are the ones HE has sent us. Also pray for The
Lord of the harvest to send more labors to help us and that they would be
totally committed to this brand new Church plant. Thanks for all your prayers
and support and thank you for letting us be your missionaries.
God bless,
David Gamble