26 March 2014

Spreading Gospel at the Billiard Parlor

Last night we went to the Billiard Parlor and were able to talk to and invite 13 people to the "God's Not Dead" movie Friday night.  See photo below taken of us standing outside before we went into Beluga Billiards.  There were around 30 people inside at the time.  It was a great time and a  great place to meet young folks.  I met the owner and he is very receptive of us being there.  

On another note, the Filipino Bible Church (FBC) has a PA system, keyboard and projector available for our use so our biggest need until we get a building of our own is a couple of 15 passenger buses.  This would make a big difference in helping to grow our congregation.  See picture below that I took inside the FBC.

Thank you for your prayers! 

God bless,

David Gamble                   
Anchorage Alaska    


24 March 2014

3-24-2014 Update and Plans

Kristi just finished disaster relief chaplain training.  She just has to finish some online classes and she can get endorsed by SBC to go on site. We had our service Last night at Commoner Park, seven were present. Buck dropped by last night and is all in for doing our praise and worship at the BC. We start meeting at the BC on April 6th. Tuesday night we are meeting at the billiards place (see photos below - "A" marks the spot) to share with and invite teens to movie night with us. We will be all going to see God's Not Dead on Friday night and want to give the teens a chance to see this movie.  Kristi and I were in Whittier Friday and Saturday and met with a church from Florida that is a sending Church. They are praying about sending an intern up for one year to help us with our praise and worship!  Thank you so Mich for your prayers and support. Please continue to pray for Chad and Amy Blanton.

Happy Birthday Brother Perry.  Enjoy your getaway to Colorado.

God bless,

David Gamble                   
Anchorage Alaska    

19 March 2014

Venue Le McDonalds

Last night we met at Mc Donald's on Dimond and Jewell Lake Rd. This Mc Donald's is right across the street from the only grocery store (CARRS CENTER, WHERE WE TRIED TO RENT THE FIRST BUILDING) in Sand Lake and is a popular hangout for folks. The photos below will help you better visualize the location.  Don't forget to click on any photo to make it easier to see and step through the photos.  Note the location of Sand Lake as compared to the previous satellite map of the Filipino Bible Church.

There is a large (12 seater) table there where we meet from time to time and have Bible study. We decided last night that our week night study/service will be in a public place in the Sand Lake area, this way we can reach out to more lost people. Last night we just had Jeremy and Jason along with us, but we had several opportunities to talk to people at the restaurant. We ALWAYS run across youth every time we are out and the ones last night were interested in coming to a youth service when we get it going! God really put the youth on my heart lately, there are so many of them here and no real outreach to them at all. Remember, there are almost 40,000 people in the Sand Lake area alone and the only Southern Baptist Church there is the "Filipino" Bible Church! Please pray we will be able to get our praise and worship team up and going. Pray also we can have a good solid youth leader as there are so may youth here with no guidance or direction. Please pray we will be able to have a van or two to get the youth and kids to Church, Almost no vans are used here to pick up kids and youth for services, which I think is crazy.

We find out this weekend when exactly we will be starting at FBC, shooting for April 6th. Please pray for Buck, Jeremy and Jason, these are the ones HE has sent us. Also pray for The Lord of the harvest to send more labors to help us and that they would be totally committed to this brand new Church plant. Thanks for all your prayers and support and thank you for letting us be your missionaries.

God bless,

David Gamble                   
Anchorage Alaska    


16 March 2014

New Venue - Update

Thought you might enjoy seeing the new venue for Sand Lake Fellowship.  First I will give you a bird’s eye view of where the Filipino Bible Church is located in respect to the rest of the city of Anchorage.  The church is located at the Red Dot with an “A” in the middle.  You can click on any photo to enlarge it and get better detail. Doing this will bring up all photos on this post which you can step through individually.  To get the blog back to normal, just do a mouse click in the black area.

OK – Just so you don’t get nose bleed at this altitude, we will now zoom in a little closer.

Next I will show you some ground photos of the church taken from different angles.  These photos were taken in July of 2011.

That is all for now.  We will be holding our first service at the Filipino Bible Church in April.

God bless,

David Gamble
Anchorage Alaska 

14 March 2014

14 March 2014 Update

Here is a quick note to let you know the status of things here at Sand Lake Fellowship in Anchorage, Alaska.   We just got home from chaplain/pastor classes at the Alaska Baptist Convention.  I talked with Pastor Val Natcher today and we are going to start meeting at the Filipino Bible Church in April.  Our group meeting in Commodore Park is going to continue as a brand new Church plant so technically Sand Lake Fellowship is our second plant.  We are having a hard time finding committed followers who have what it takes to stay the course.  We are without someone to lead praise and worship.  Please pray The Lord will send the faithful laborers we need.  Thank you all so much for your love and support.  Please keep those cards and prayers coming we appreciate them so very much.

David Gamble                   
Anchorage Alaska