07 June 2014

Mission Alaska Update

Hey Y'all,

It just feels good to say that, We kind of miss hearing it! Well we are off to the races, Tabernacle sponsored a trip from Shorter Univ. and they did a basketball clinic. They attended our worship service and a good time was had by all, very encouraging time for us.  Graceworks and our daily Bible camp started at our new place last week. The first couple of days were slow, but we are in week two and we had 19 kids the other day! Right now we have a youth team from Mississippi helping do the camp. Every Wednesday night we have a bounce house and "family invited" party for the kids. We have been able to make some good contacts so far, most of the people live in walking distance to the Church. Last Sunday we had four new people and three of them were from our outside the walls outreach at Mc Donald's, it is the best place I have found to reach them. I have a few pictures  attached so you can get an idea of what we have been up to.

Please  pray for this outreach ministry, that we would be effective sharing The Gospel with the ones He draws to us.  Pray for us some help, a solid couple or two that can lead Bible study or Sunday school/ small group & youth pastor.  Buck (our P&W leader) had to take a rotation job, 2 and 2, down on the Kenai so Jessica has stepped up and done a great job.  We are still are looking for  a van or two, they don't have to be in great shape as we have a mechanic on staff ( ME ).  Also tomorrow is Love Alaska festival with Luis Palau. We are a follow up Church and will be at the park from 2-11 p.m. This is the largest evangelism event ever in Alaska. There are four bands here which include Toby Mac, Kutless, Lincoln Brewster and Thousand foot crutch along with countless events for the families. Thank you so much for your faithful prayers and support and thank you for letting us share what is going on here in Anchorage. 

David & Kristi Gamble   
Anchorage, Alaska

02 June 2014

More Volunteers being sent by God

A mission team from Hannibal  Missouri is coming Sunday afternoon to prayer walk and pass out flyers.  Frameworks starts again Monday - Friday (2-4 Alaska time).  Graceworks holds childrens' Bible study and games.  Food will be supplied for the kids with absolutely no cost to the Church.  Pray for God to bless these volunteers.  On Wednesday night they will host a party for the entire family.  This will provide a time for us to meet the parents. Please PRAY for a good turnout!

David & Kristi Gamble 

Anchorage, Alaska