08 August 2014

Graceworks Overview and a Plea for Help


I apologize for taking so long for a new post but as you know we had to do a lot of traveling and there has been a lot going on in our life.  Now to what is most important, which is our work for the Lord here in Anchorage.

We are in our last week of Graceworks.  Last week First Baptist Canton, TX. was here.  We had a great time with the kids and met a new young man that surrendered his life to Christ. While Canton was here we had a great time with the mission team helping us at the Church as well as a moose watching trip that was extremely successful seeing a very large bull within 30 feet.

 Last week on Sunday we had Church at Sand Lake.  We had 25 people there and a good time was had by all.  There were people from 5 different families there not including mine. Our last group this week is from Washington state. We have about 20 kids that want to come each week now. We are scrambling to figure out how to have children's ministry and do everything else involved, to say we are stretched thin is an understatement.

This is a very slow process and we pray for laborers to this harvest everyday. This place is ripe for harvest but the laborers are truly few.  Please pray with us for laborers for this huge harvest here. Just to give some demographics, Sand Lake is almost 40k people, Jewell Lake is also 40k people.  Our target area is less than 4 miles square and has 80K people in it!  

Pray that God will lay it on the heart of some people equipped to help us and that they would have the wisdom to hear His call and the courage and strength to obey and go.  We still need a committed praise and worship leader also. 

At some point we all have to stand before Him and give account of everything we have done and have not done. When we stand before the Master, are our excuses acceptable to Him, the One  who paid it all. 

Please also be in prayer for our Jewish brothers and sisters in Israel.

Shalom aleichem (may you be well),

David & Kristi Gamble    
Anchorage, Alaska